Monday, February 4, 2019

Be worried in the AI Era

I am very much worried.

Not that it will replace jobs any time soon, current AI is not advanced yet, and when it is there, hopefully it will be a productivity gainer than job killer, nor the the world be ruled by it.
However I do worry about lost privacy thanks to the relentless effort by the tech giants who have access to vast amount personal data. Cambridge Analytics is one example that are being exposed, while there are many others are doing the same every day, just to see how many venture investment has been poured into this area.

I can’t predict what and how much the damage can be done by the AI in this regards. Probably exaggerated, but Cambridge Analytics, not a significant player in the technological area, promised that they could manipulated the voters with the data they already have, most from Facebook. To me that is scary enough to re-exam my use of social media and cloud storage. I am sure with more experimental and more iteration, the Deception skills will only get better, as long as we the people continue to feed the data voluntarily.

EU’s GDPR is on the right direction but just no enough because it won’t stop or even slow the outflow of personal information as most people don’t realize that someone else is able to tell them what to buy and who to vote for, and it is their own action empower the trend.

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